
This contract project consisted of UI design for web ads, and social media ads. I completed this project through:
1. Understanding Apple's Design Guidelines thoroughly, throughout all interfaces: from mobile ads for several social media platforms, to guidelines for landing pages, email templates & in-store signage.
2. Communicating consistently with creative directors, informing them of issues with existing templates, suggesting solutions, taking feedback & solving them immediately. As well as keeping constant communication and changing direction in project and adjusting quickly as needed when higher management's goals changed.
3. Maintaining design consistency: from colors, fonts, font sizing & spacing, to images, copy, as well as template & layout spacing.
4. Creating various mobile, web, tablet & print templates for Apple affiliates, who may not be designers, to understand clearly & edit quickly without veering from Apple Partner Design Guidelines. 
5. High attention to detail, down to the pixel. From high-quality editing of objects, exact font sizing & spacing, layout spacing, & words spelling (for UK English.)
Below are some screenshots of the different templates I created:

Although this project was different, and less complex than what I usually do as it didn't involve much UX design, it was a great experience working for a well-known brand, where potentially millions of users may see the designs I created. I also got to step back for a bit, and collaborate with a larger team & different-structured hierarchy than what I'm used to, as opposed to just being seen as the expert that my small-team clients come to for design-related answers. Something that I already knew, but this project refreshed my memory on was definitely being very detail-oriented with editing imagery such as shadows, as well as with the layouts & margin spacing. As Apple Partners would be editing these templates with their own branding elements & imagery, we had to build the templates in a way that users clearly understand their limits, such as where text can & can't go even if they need to edit the wording, and how large images can be, in order to maintain designs that follow our layouts, spacing & uphold the Apple Partner Design Guidelines.
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